Published Work

Short Stories

Returning a Prayer
Mythos and Lore
Available in paperback
Strangling Angels
Soulmate Syndrome - Box Full of Darkness
The Picture by Lisa B.
Published in The NoSleep Podcast - Season 20, Episode 18
Brave Soft Hearts
The Isdralan Chronicles: The Golden Gull
Published in Halloweenthology - Jack-o'-Lantern
The Price of Science
Invasion - Volume 02
All That Glitters Isn't Yours
All That Glitters Isn't Yours
Honorable mention in the Sixth Playground Challenge.
Where the Light Drowns
​​​​​​​Published in Flash of the Dead
The Picture by Lisa B.
Soulmate Syndrome - Volume 01
Alice Through the Broken Glass
Shortlisted in Contest #157 on Reedsy Prompts.
Winner of the November 2022 Secret Attic Short Story Contest
The Unfortunate Adventures of Prince Cuthbert Winkwilliam
The Fire Within
The Picture by Lisa B.
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